The masters of time... if you could pick one of these abilities which would it be?
Whats the appeal of Bambietta?
Twi’leks or Togrutas: which one is more fuckable
Twi’leks or Togrutas
I saw someone saying that Kubo is bad at world building cause they suddenly just start fighting in the air in the Arrancar saga from nowhere meanwhile the first time we see other soul reapers other than Rukia was them standing on the frickin air.
How do you think they will adapt Barragan's Respira for the game?
Which Quincy do you think is carried by their schrift the most?
it was a tight race between fan-favourite 11th division seated officers, but Ikkaku barely missed out on the top spot. Cast your guess for next week's announcement (Link in comment)
The new Deathbat design is genuinely the best one thus far
Films that Cinephiles find relatable?
Everyone else's tier list is wrong, source? Trust me bro.
Nearly 2 months since release, how bright is the game’s future?
What do you think is the most BORING Pixar movie?
Devs accidentally leaked Nnoitra on Twitter!
What card do you hate the most? Doesnt have to be an op card.
Update Release Date
Who wins? (Serious answers only)
There is a game that shares many similarities with MultiVersus.
It’s true Mr Moderator told me themself
Who said it better -snips or rexter?
Favorite character that isn't even canon?
Arrancar are not Hollows
They Both cared about him more than Anyone
My predictions, in order of how likely they are to be added