Free IKEA Armoire - pick up
Anyone else's lab follow you in the bathroom for next scratches...everytime
Snow tires?
“Mom is studying for finals and not petting me!!!”
I will be a dog owner for the first time, I am waiting for comments from experienced Labrador owners
Got new blood pressure meds and this happened.
My gorgeous girl is very sick but vets can't figure out what it is. I just want my baby to get better.
Feeling guilty about getting a new puppy after passing of my old girl who I miss so much.
I absolutely love this lol
My Dad woke up to a sewer crab in the toilet this morning. (We live in a tropical climate)
I can't believe that I'm pregnant
Bailey Second Chance !
Car rentals
*SPOILERS* This is how 'The Umbrella Academy' finale SHOULD'VE ended
any women have experience playing w nyc footy?
Nyc dead street tree branch fell on my car with Liability coverage only
How long did it take for you to feel like law school / a legal career was worth it?
To the guy who approached me in Lincoln Market
Confess in the comments!
My firm wants me to resign for interviewing
Word Association With Dad
Hetty on Sopranos
Other than "Nice ankle, you whore", what are your favorite quotes from the show?
Who else cried during goerges funeral