Just need some opinions.. I think I went too funky/ colorful
I’m counting down the days until she moves out.
What’s the verdict?
I’m pretty sure I have curly hair, having to switch subs because the mods on the main one said I have old man hair and it’s not even curly so removed me, I’m just a 16 yr old guy looking for advice, how do i fix the frizzy dry look?
My papers got served to someone at my old address who stated they were me
[21 f] Tell me anything that could help, already losing weight.
[25 F] What style will better suit me?
Met the man of my dreams while he was on vacation.
I underestimated the snow
AIO? My friend WENT CRAZY when the guy she likes made a drawing of me. WARNING: unhinged rant + racism. (Context in post)
Does my makeup style fit my face or is it too much?
Help my throat hurts so bad.
[25] vs [27] I finally feel like myself again
Working in KY, living in IN - is it normal to be taxed for both?
Muscles/Nerves “tickle”
My first requested piece, where it started and my small piece that inspired it
How do you tell someone to lock the damn bathroom door
What’s an Appropriate Age to Take Children to the Science Center?
Moving without knowing the area
Opinions please!
Does this count? I accidentally ate it and didn’t notice the mold
Would I enjoy living in Louisville?
my boyfriend’s a bit mad that we were late to the movies because of me
$13k in service. How cooked am I?
The way these garden snakes are coiled up outside my window