sometimes I look up and she’s just staring at me like this
Tesco salad with cauldron marinated tofu
I'm just obsessed with my health
before and after i accidentally made noise
I politely asked him to stop licking my eyeball
I was in pain and couldn’t play with her so she took her revenge by taking the one thing I need to help the pain
terrible french toast
First you eat the strawberry, then you become the strawberry
Every single ham in my feed gets an upvote. Every. Single. One.
Someone please help her 🥲
help, i think there's something hiding behind the TV
My little super model patiently showing of all his good sides. (Yes, I do have tons of normal ear pics too. His ears aren't stuck like that all the time lol)
Absolutely disgusting loaf 0/10
Immediate results of not giving her a string cheese
My mom texting me about the cats she didn’t want (they were mine and she kept them when I moved out)
Is anyone else’s cat a certified weirdo?
My standard issue shoulder cat
he will scratch everywhere (even the white cupboard outside the box) except where he should. he was not taken from his mom too early. he's just special
This Tofu Stir Fry I Made Last Night and My Two Fur Babies 🥹
Barely got the new tree put together and he perches like this all judgmental.
That boy ain’t right
Classy ladies drink out of their mom's glasses..
Bernie has lost enough weight… to be nimble enough to jump on the stove and try to eat food out of pans! This is our solution.
After eight years together, I still can't resist snapping a photo of her every two minutes because she's just that unbearably cute.
Mochi stomps angrily after I found out she ate a jade plant leaf