Can anyone identify?
What are they?
Putting my money where my mouth is! 😊
😂here you go
Finally hit XXXX. Fuck these assholes.
Is this a star or planet?
HRV has plummeted over the last 6 months. Anyone else experience this? Is this what a decline in my mid-thirties looks like!
Nice juicy dip
What is the real reason they chose to close the markets on Jan. 9, 2025...
How can I make my money back with these 7k left?
Its repeating?
America please wake up
Petition to ban anyone who declares they're gEtTiNg StEaMrOlLeD bY cOvErEd CaLlS gOiNg ItM
Today Marks the 5th Week We Have Consecutively Closed Green 🚀🥵🚀
stuck on loading screen
In the money options
With $20,000 can I quit my dead end job today?
why did we have to fight the graphiorn?
Legacy frustrated
Any good hat recommendations?
why is this fruit glowing? I can't interact with it and have no clue what to do with it... this is my second time playing through and have never seen it until now
What could be causing this?
I wish more quests were like “Minding Your Own Business”
I still oke :) I still fine :<
Am I screwed come tax season?