what albums do you consider the most "rym-core" of all?
Pri slušanju koje pjesme se osjećate ovako?
What's your favorite artist without a single bolded album?
Croatia presidential election first round exit poll
Muški, na koji film ste zadnji plakali?
Musicorum's wrapped dropped!
Što slusaju Hrvati - spotify wrapped
I wanna see what else you guys listen to alongside DIIV!
Band Holiday or Album Cover??? lol
Is there any album not bolded on RYM you give 10/10?
I only listen to Music for Airports at airports. Are there any ambient albums you save for a specific location or situation?
You’re in this setting, what tame Impala song are you playing?
Gdje su nestale skoljke sa plaza i mora?
What’s an iconic riff that will ALWAYS be stuck in your head?
What ambient track could you listen to, forever?
Favorite comfort albums?
Metal core bands with an indie feel?
What is an instrument that you hate the sound of?
what do you like most about Parannoul's music?
What are your favorite ambient TRACKS?
Koji su ljudi ikone i svojevrsne poznate licnosti Zadra?
[6] Q. Zheng defeats [1] I. Swiatek | 6-2, 7-5 | Olympics SF
Koji beskorisnu vještinu posjedujete?
i can't believe they actually did it
What non-ambient song or album got you into ambient music?