This job is ruining my mental health
Should we sell our home if we’re going to lose $60k?
ATI ARP ejection issues help please!!
Is this innocent or actually something one pays for?
The real reason why KC lost last night - This Eagles fan had a Patrick Mahomes voodoo doll at the game last night
Found on Marketplace. He calls it the Coochie Cabin.
Finished school 14 years ago and have never made enough money to make my student loans go down
Here's another thread for you to honour your favourite 90's one hit wonder 🤘
Have you or someone you know ever jumped down the trash chute?
Finally received the coveted "what the fuck are you doing" letter from Fidelity
Who does this?
Wildest thing I've ever seen.
Worst nightmare came true today
How are these both 1oz
Vasectomy discussions with partner
Late Mortgage Payments
I feel like if we're going to be comparing the cybertruck to other cars, we would be remiss not to mention the Citroën Karin, amiright?
Safe Recommendations?
“This is America” by childish gambino is playing in my head reading this lol
Pro lifter
Elon Musk Has Broken the Constitutional Order
The Joker must have moved to Western Illinois
Florida elementary school principal is arrested after 100 kids found at her home for alcohol-fueled party
All right, which one of you is trying to sell a used Anderson for $2k?