Chewy as Third Party Clinic pharmacy?
Brag on yourself: tell me something you did that you are proud of.
Pawprints for brother/sister pugs
what’s a “life hack” you do at work that you’ve taken home?
I work shelter med and these puppies are causing a debate. cattle dog or pointer mixes?
Successfully drew from a cephalic vein today!!!
Pretty emotional (in a good way) after work today
The value of imaging
Armchair Analyst Sunday
Calling All Vet Techs! The First-Ever Scrubs Designed Just for You
Thank you everyone who worked today and will work the next few days
“If you hate working here so much go work at McDonald’s!”
Which is pee and which is a blood draw?
Where do you guys stitch in your NG tubes?
Kitten specimen
Veterinary Professional Assistant is insaneee
Veterinarian bullying tech
Concert graphics vs merch
Feline Neuter protocol
Cheer up Weds: Best/funniest pets name youve seen.
Does anyone else feel like your concerns arent taken seriously at times?