A question for conspiracy theorists: If the Jews control everything, why would they install a fascist and a wealthy neo-nazi to head the world's most powerful country?
Is it possible to show off Canadian pride without controversy?
I posted something similar to this two weeks ago; maybe it needs reposting a couple of times a month from now on. Or pin it somewhere.
Securely storing recovery phrase
US national anthem booed by crowd at Bell Center (article in French)
Fans of dead celebrities, which death hurt you the most?
This is for the men this has actually happened to. Have you (a straight man) been hit on by a gay man, and how have you responded?
Why is storing on Coinbase bad?
Why is every post on this sub suddenly about Trump?
i'm the worst woman you could date
If everyone is so sure that btc is going bearish in q3 and q4
Should I sell my bitcoing now and buy it again later?
Advice to people who are new to this sub and/or Bitcoin
My ex's "friend" destroyed our relationship
When someone says, “Say HI to (common friend) for me!”, do you actually do it?