Am I getting old or did the grammys seem extra infantile this year
Azealia continues to go in on Kanye and praises Tyler, the Creator
He was better in dune
It’s crazy someone drew this and it made the front page
What is the psychology behind so many seemingly straight women being fascinated with fictional gay male relationships?
Best books about loneliness?
lana del rainbow ♡ 🌈
Which song makes you feel like this?
What are the "strangest" Bob Dylan songs? Similar to Isis
Lana Del Rey songs as colors [RESULTS]
I don't usually share from this insider bc I don't think they're very accurate but what do you all think?
anyone else got an artist that annoys you so much for no particular reason
Lana song that best captures the feeling of limerence/unrequited love?
What I read in 2024
She really thought TTPD was going to be iconic
The worst feeling on earth is an undesirable person developing an obsessive crush on you
Lana Del Rey’s Worst Possible Setlist (Part 4)
ldr poster in pulp fiction style
Can extremely hot people be funny?
What are your thoughts on Rayne Fisher-Quann?
Hollywood can't even direct guys to fight this well.
Probable effect of r/Redscarepod hitting the front page.
Tell me a weird dream you’ve had lately