Why was The Soprano family so apathetic to Bobby's death?
"Do you got a problem?" Tony's talk with Patsy is one of the darkest scenes in the show. S3E01. Redux.
What’s the most obscure line of dialogue that you think lives inside your brain only?
Best Friendships in Oz
Big Pussy dumbest lie which leads to one of the most unnecessary murders.
It just occurred to me, maybe Rawls ISN'T gay/bi after all...
“a room full of writers and you DID NOTHING!” I never understood this line from JT
Every hates on Steve Sherripa but his character on the Sopranos is one of the most painful
Wallace's is one of the most heart wrenching.
Let's talk about the Shield.
Hardest Scenes To Watch
How did Bunk know to question Michael’s mother in season 5?
Was anyone an extra on the show?
The Flashback with Livia’s Miscarriage
Lil Kevin could’ve survived if he didn’t take revenge
How's Tony always been so much richer than everybody else?
Observations on tight story telling on a Jan 2025 re-watch
What murder scene was unlikely of the killer getting away with it? I'll go first...
Carver is the new Bunny
Hamid Khan
Now what?
What was McNulty’s next gig?
The anguished wail of Rebadow after learning about the death of his grandson Alex is my favorite bit of acting brilliance from Oz? What is yours?
Dennis “Cutty” Wise.