Please do this if you check in your bag on a flight
I love her so much 🥺❤️
Heads up- potential 💩🎪 12/29
Y’all be so careful about eating company holiday meals! Apparently many flight attendants are reporting food poisoning in Denver at United
I got called fat by a colleague
supid fuck with a chistmas tree in the ass
The guy behind me is gonna be cold when he lands
Why is the zipper merge not used by more drivers here?
$2400 REACHED! We did it!!! It's time for our final giveaway: Advice for New Parents. To enter to win, please see the post for details (and prizes!).
some recently cut electric blue topazes
‘Hot Ones’ Turned Down Kamala Harris as Guest Because Show Didn’t Want to ‘Delve Into Politics,’ Campaign Staffer Says
Losses so big, cannot acquit.
what is your go to face sunscreen?
Guess the United Hubs
What is the biggest issue facing the Denver community?
Have You Ever Had This Kind Of Day
I witnessed a horrific fatal car crash yesterday.
Mid 30s, Profession: doctor who wakes up in the middle of night to treat someone who is having a heart attack
Buuuugs! I don’t know who you are but I love you
Some beached animal i found a few years ago, dont know what kind it is.
When Joe Montana realized he could call his wife from the sidelines
I was reminded by this sub to Washington my damn brushes
Why does my appearance change so much when I live in different countries?
March 2020 before all the chaos that was about to come.
Let's not forget how it all started