Any success?
Anyone get a second email followup today regarding notice of error against evolve?
Draft Notes from Hearing
Summary of today's meeting
It feels like everything is being swept under the rug today.
What to do if you missed the deadline to the Notice of Error to Evolve, et al
Consider adding Yotta to your small claims suit
Cannot close account from Yotta app: "Could not delete account, please check to make sure you have no balance or pending transactions."
Any news on what to do tax wise?
Evolves response to my certified letter about EFTA ahead of me trying to file small claims case per Patrick's instructions.
The Lawsuit steps
NY Lawyers
Has anyone else received this in their email?
CA residents looking to combine efforts for lawsuit
MA Attorney General
Small Claims Court (California)
California residents
Short Deadlines!
Evolve is the problem and has been the problem.
Has anyone reached out to Plaid?
When is the next hearing date?
Court Hearing
Cashing Checks?