Are 2000 borns late millennial or early gen z?
Covid and 9/11
Am I a late millenial or just early gen Z?
Am I millennial or Gen Z
Repost and edited version of my gen z characteristic chart
The idea that the internet 'wasn't really used' until after 2005
r/Generationology Starter Pack
98% of millennials are in their 30 & 40s now. Why are people who are 24 or 25 year old Young Adults arguing about being Millennials or "cusp" and disassociate themselves from Gen Z?
Pew’s Original 1977-1992 Millennial Range
True or False: If you graduated from high school in 2015 or later, you are a zoomer (Generation Z).
Guess when I was born based on what I grew up with
When does Gen z end and Gen alpha start?
Most Evil/Controversial Person From Every Generation? 😈 (Missionary to Z)
r/generationology in a nutshell
Why Gatekeep 1997 Births from Millennials Due to 9/11 When Average Memories Start at Ages 3 to 4?
Why do late 90s babies get some much hate & Gatekeep so much from early & mid 90s babies???
2014 Babies are TOTALLY GEN Z (and let me explain)
Ok, can we please stop trying to sneak 2000s birth years into eras that are almost exclusively mid90s oriented? its getting annoying
Why is it that 94 babies seem to 100% identify as millennial where as 95 & 96 seem to embrace being "zillennial" or part of two generations.
Why 1997 as the start of Gen Z vs. end of Millennial?
Unpopular Opinion on Early/Core/Late Millenials
Features of the Millennial Generation
Classify 1976 to Gen X in 90s?
Why do generations usually range about 15 years, and how come we're able to pinpoint whenever they start and whenever they end?
Was being in your late 20s in 2024 a late millennial or early gen z trait?