I accidentally grew weed on my grandmas porch
Påminn mig om varför jag ska vara tolerant mot organiserad religion.
Bosta lsd
Någon som är vaken denna fina söndagsmorgon?🧐😅
Central Maryland, got this guy in the trap line, I know it’s a skunk, but any one know how rare/common the orange color Esther then white is?
Min första skovel
Dricks på restaurang i Sverige?
Ni som har tagit LSD, hur var eran första gång o hur mycket tog ni ?
Not the hardest but definitely the most fun problem I’ve set on the home wall
Finding partner in Croatia
How do I avoid mice?
Has your fear of death changed at all after your DMT experiences?
Feeling very weird and confused inside my head
Scared of death
I discovered pink floyd recently and will now embark on a journey-every Pink Floyd song in order by release. This will take 13 1/2 hours. I will enjoy.
Positive life-altering & or time-distorting drugs
Rökare, sluta skräpa ner för fan
Which album do you think has no bad songs on it, and can be listened all the way through?
Just finished my own wall! Feels amazing
Our plant allies need our help
What if the voice shizophrenic people hear is just their subconscious, which gained the ability to directly communicate with the main consciousness?
Sådana lådor med svamp som man bara tar i vatten och växer
Why does weed always make me paranoid?
FHM vill se över ifrågasatt knarkstrategi