First time watcher... Advise?
Funniest line in the show? I think this one is hard to beat 😭
About JuLie's pregnancies...
Camilla posting clickbait about the dogs on Snapchat??
Update: Julies bedrest
I was today years old when I found out they were siblings!
Maybe this is why Kris and Kylie are so thirsty for him 🫣
How to pretend you're an active parent 101
JuLie and her heavy filters
Yesterdays Scamsnap
PSA on these septum clickers.
Giving me free will was a mistake
Favorite Robin quotes and/or episodes? Every time I watch the news, I'm like, "Oops. Hope that wasn't MY gun."
Vampire nightclub bitches!
best thing on the internet I saw this evening
Curved barbells for Christina piercing?
Can someone spoil seasons 13 and beyond for me?
1474$ on dresses alone
Criminal minds evolution AUSTRALIA
Any show recommendations?
Perpetually rude
Plot twist.
Do you think the following crime show villains could be considered slasher killers or on the level of one
The cinematography of the early seasons…
Which character is your favourite and WHY???
Tell me the moments when you got all teary while watching HIMYM!
I watched the finale…