About to begin the dreadful "fish in a soda bottle" ecosystem project for school. Advice?
4 month update - 75 gallon South American tank
How’s it looking?
Can we *please* stop the absurd gatekeeping?
Haven’t fucked a tank in years. Is this normal?
Smaller blue rams - more resilient?
Black Skirt Tetras
I'm so annoyed at these kinds of people
My new centerpiece
Tank becoming overcrowded?
Just got 20 shrimp yesterday and then I noticed this. Bring on the babies!
45P amanogumi
Stocking HELP!? 125L
Thinking of getting fish, what are some good types for a first-time owner?
Oddball fish for 60gal system
Is this, and Bug Bites okay for Appistos and German Blue Rams?
Yall made it sound like fry wouldn't survive in a community tank
What is my fish doing
First tank; attempted riverscape (I hate it)
Write a sentence that only people who are into your special interest will understand
Show me the baby
I feel like my 75 gallon is a little chaotic, thoughts on how to make it better?
Cleaning the 10,000 liter aquarium..
Aquascape ideas for the new 156gal Discus display?
My 75 gallon.