What mantra do you tell yourself when you are about to lose your sh*t?
What kind of underwear are you all wearing?
just need to rant
Tell me some funny things your kid says
This has been the worst cold and flu season in my 30-some years of life.
How much do you spend on groceries a week as a family of 5
Why are kids so gross? Just mine?
Can't spell granddaughter's name
I probably need therapy, huh?
Baby vomits in response to sleep training? HELP
Do you think about your kid becoming a doctor?
Oceans of snot, wtf is this virus
Parents of 2+ Children under 5
I feel like I've lost 20 IQ points since having this baby. Will I ever get my mental functioning back?
Enjoying the moment vs. capturing the moment
Tonie vs Yoto for 18m?
Facial scab
Are kids all really rough on things?
Birthday party goodie bags
Precious Little Sleep AMA
At absolute wit’s end with stress vomiting 9 month old
Trunki or something different
it's me, i'm the not-together mom
Morning rant lol
Vomits every single time