let's talk about our personal experiences. i'll go first
Saw this very brief scene while meditating. Any idea if it could mean something?
Trying to figure out what this is
What is happening with Earth's electricity is affecting us
Night time awakenings. Can’t sleep tonight.
It wasn’t a dream
channeled message from The Student Collective of Thoth on The Energy War
was the moon sitting in a constellation last night?
Important message found in another sub
a shift in timelines ..
Looking for others who know what they saw
what do you instantly see?
Something out of the ordinary is going on for sure
Can you help me figure out if this was a dream or not?
Uptick in Channeled Messages
I am losing my mind. 4 dogs live in dog prison behind my house, in Los Angeles
Light Language for Lions Gate #888 Portal
My dreams are typically normal but I've been waking up with anxiety. Like I can forsee something that's going to happen soon. Anyone else?
How long did your pit bull live?
anyone ever have dreams with these things?
Had a no good, very bad week.
Is calculating the bites or your food so there’s always the right amount of like bread to eggs ratio for each bite so that by the end of it you don’t run out of any an autistic thing?
Aerial Anomaly seen near Watergate in DC.
an auditory love letter | weed demon by wavves