Music isnt good.
Looking for an audiobook
Increasing shutoff speed of e-locker?
What Are You Carrying Today?
Why 22 isn’t a good choice
Desserts are awful to taste and unhealthy. They should be eliminated from the world.
Dark Souls 1 is overrated and NOT because it's hard
Anime Dubs are better
deburing screw driver (Better name ideas appreciated)
What’s your addiction that isn’t illegal or sexual in nature.
Video game pet peeves?
What’s a good exhaust to upgrade too?
Suggest a do-it-all rifle for me to purchase?
The most random anime you know?
A list of the most important and influential anime
Bad Dubs on older anime.
Questions for Kawasaki concours owners
How does rwd cornering differ from fwd cornering?
Trying to get back into reading, what should I read?
Your top 5 as an adult
Anime’s that didn’t get a second season - and should have…
Any advice on building a powerful sub 3 second V8?
Need help finding a new bike, suggestions?
Is it realistic to engine swap as a beginner?
Why do messers exist?