Lucky pickup yesterday. My LGS prices non CIB games the same as loose carts.
Harassing Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones
Rare pick up at a pawn shop. 1989 Super Mario Supershow & Legend of Zelda promo/press kit. Can’t find any info online about it
Last year I got a record player for Christmas. This is my collection after one year.
Could any computer savvy people help me? Would this mini PC be able to run The Bazaar with the specs it has. Link in post
Most Disturbing Book You Have Read?
Why is Jonny Fairplay so notorious and hated?
Thursday Arena Chat Thread
The collection. Who else is missing season 15?
Old Tee designs
Cleaning out the house and found this, not on stock x. Any value? Not my style
Collection update after a busy few months. What would you trash and what would you add?
Got this RvB shirt at goodwill today. Is it an authentic Rooster Teeth shirt or a knock off?
Dug up my blu ray copy of Day 5. At this point I should probably just keep it sealed.
Merch megathread
My collection so far...
Just discovered this subreddit. I am ready for my judgement
Collection update after starting in January. I don’t think I did too bad
Insane Goodwill haul today. Nirvana, Barbie, NFL, Marvel, Newmans Own Dressing
Successful record store stop
Just bought these on a whim
Finally got my hands on a complete coffin box set for a good price. I’ve been hunting this for a while
Used CD's
This week.
This subreddit was suggested to me. Wanted to show off my favorite finds