v4 hotfix MoC 12 0c E0S1 Aglaea/Sunday/Tribbie / E0S0 Robin against Nikador/Flame Reaver 7 costs
Possible character kit by baitaleaks
E0S1 Mydei | E0S1 Sunday | E6 RMC | E6 Gallagher 0 cycle MOC 12.1 ( Kafka)
V1 MoC 12-1 E0S1 Aglaea/Tribbie/Sunday/Bronya 6 costs 0c against Kafka
V1 MoC 12-1 E0S0 Aglaea/Tribbie/Sunday/Robin 4 costs against Kafka
MoC 12-1 2cycles E0S1 Aglaea/Sunday/Tribbie/Huo Huo against 40% Lightning res Kafka
Collab characters' paths via Ubatcha
Aglaea (S1)/Sunday (Bronya cone)/Robin (S1)/Huohuo (S5 QPQ) (all E0) vs Giver (MoC12 side 2 3.0)
E0S1 Robin E0S1 Aventurine E0S1 Yunli E0S1 Topaz / MOC floor 12.2 - Notaleaks
2.1 banners + reruns
Ruan Mei/Dr. Ratio/Bronya/Huohuo via Tart
Speed Boots E2S1 JY + E1S1 Topaz MOC 9 AOE Test With No Lightning Weakness
Concept buff lifeline's drone and loba
A consumable prototype ?