Is there a micro-moment or short line from a movie you quote often?
Which was the first movie you watched in theatres?
My book club is opening up the suggestions to include fantasy!
A band name where all the members have severe Irritable bowel syndrome.
What's the one subgenre do you just not like and why?
What's the worst movie you've seen that someone said would be good?
What phrase is said or worded incorrectly that really grinds your gears?
Whats going on with Canada saying they will turn off our (USA) electricity?
What is the hardest you’ve ever cried in a movie?
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
You are paired with 100 random humans, if you’re better than all of them at something you win a billion dollars, what are you doing?
What is something popular that does not interest you at all?
What celebrated movie actually has a terrible message?
Is there a film that you started and/or finished that just infuriated you?
Why is ramen the stereotypical poor college student meal when potatoes are cheap, easy, and satiating?
Can you guys name drop your exes name and a fun fact
What book did you read in your youth that you still think about to this day?
If you had to wear a shirt with your most used PHRASE on it, what would it say?
If you had to wear a shirt with your most used phrase on it (not just one word), what would it say?
You get dropped into the middle of an active war zone but you can have any fictional weapon. What do you choose?
You get turned into a duck for two weeks what are you doing?
Darkest TV series of all time
Best song by a fictitious movie band
Batman got his name from his fear of bats. Using the same logic, what is your superhero name?