In Troy (2004) King Menelaus starts one of the most famous wars in history just so he can get this woman back. This is perfectly understandable behavior even 3000 years later.
Classic RTOG: James Adomian spends the episode in character as Bernie Sanders
I can get you a toe. There are ways, Dude.
ASMR Emily
You go to work dressed like that? On a weekday?
My supervisor showed up to work in a bathrobe today
What do you think the chances of at least one LPOTL fan gets kicked off this cruise if not the boys themselves.
sAdIsTIC HOOmAn CRAmS BabY AnImal INTo gaRBage bAG TO sUFfOCatE Him
He hasn't even begun to peek
Some sage advice on the nature of home
Lola's theme tune is Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song. She insisted on going into the catio.
To whoever introduced the sub to ASMR Mariella, thank you! She’s gorgeous!
Ellie would like to enthusiastically show you her murder mittens 🐾
And proud we are of all of them
A true legacy of giving back
Finally some consequences!
a part 2 to my ‘these captions make me laugh’ post
Movie fans, what is the best "actor primarily known for comedy roles appears in a serious role" portrayal?
One week with 7 year old Freya :)
The many faces of Liz Lemon
Favorite Moment of Accidental Pure Harry Honesty?
What's your all-time favorite line, gag, or joke from a movie?
Rebecca Romijn as Una Chin-Riley (Number One) in Star Trek Strange New Worlds
What’s your corgi’s trademark smile?