Evolving Sylveon
Got to love that new Pokemon smell.
Dhelmise - add one only 029311613371 & 067162001181
From Iceland, I love psyduck
Looking for vivillons. I’m in Iceland so í can help with tundra. 755300185641
Unova Tour LA : Repost !
ThePapaRasta - Ocean Region
Kyurem in less than 20 min 1758-1353-5522
Favourite shiny?!
Enamorous Pretty Princess! 2 Local, Mystic Gym Control. 2x Candy if still Comm Day in your area! 2056 6818 3104
5005 0697 8127 WB Enamorus have 6 of 10
Mega Ttar on me and 3 locals adding 10 starting asap 004915649448 raid train
Shuckle 670851124816
Bait and Switch?
advice please & ty🤎
Sick of these Tier 5s
When did Ex Gyms become Elite Raid Gyms?
Wb Tyranitar 4 locals 857358142054 634918473775
152748243760 weather boosted tyranitar raids - 1 now - 4 more in 15 minutes
100 iv pokemon running
Enamorus - 2 Local, Mystic Gym Control. 2056 6818 3104
Shuckle - 2 Local! 205668183104
WB Enamorus. 2 local party power, Mystic gym. 205668183104.