Now onto the Group Dance Game!! Starting off with: “CUTEST GROUP DANCE”!!
Are there any musicals where you have no songs you dislike?
is stephanie to old?
Any takes on Rock?
So what do we think about the name Heather?
girl name suggestions
What name do I look like?
Does Amari give you more baby girl or baby boy name vibes?
If you could get away guilt free with naming your kid a name from a different culture/language, what would it be?
Which Greys characters would do it? Two I can think of right away? Alex and Lexie. Cristina would definitely NOT do it. 😂😂
What did your parents almost name you? Bonus points if they’re really bad. I’ll go first - my parents are both white atheists (raised Christian). I was almost named Moishe for a boy, or Afrika for a girl.
Name for duets where two+ characters sing together but are apart in space or time
I hate my name Suzanne - help me rename myself please!
Tell me is it bad😩
What does my top 5 say about me? 🫶🏽
What books next?
what freida book should i read next?
Suggestions for my next book to read
Baby girl names
audition songs for legally blonde
Flower names for a girl
Mean Girls abcs. What’s M?
"Help me find a name that matches my first born"
what do my top 5 characters say about me?
Girls name that starts with “N”