What is your favorite App monad?
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Eye of Sauron - Tiong Bahru
Upgraded my pc. What do you think?
What are the downsides of your favorite coin?
I've compiled some SNPs which have proven association with COVID-19
If everyone started selling for premium what would happen?
What happens if the stock price falls between the strikes of your spread at expiry?
How do you determine if options have "good" premium?
Ring signatures CLSAG and MLSAG implemented on the Ristretto elliptic curve. Supports any 512-bit hash function
OOPs vs Pure Functional Programming
Do I need to get more funds to close this position?
Do I need money to buy to close a short position assigned to me?
My Keybase proof [reddit:edwinjp = keybase:edwinhere] (m41NuCJRghqRqH3YTU3F288hflsZ7_0RR721KiXtDXk)