What is the pay rate for a 19yr old part time?
How do you save while renting and living?
What even is a good yearly income now?
How do you afford to rent and live?
I _____ you, I’m sorry (game)
everyone’s fav gracie song?
RMIT newcomer!
Same product, different health star rating at Woolworths
Tasmania has most stingy markdowns in the country
Guys please start posting your cooked atars im not tryna see anyone who did well 😭
What did you do to get over your ex ?
On campus exam
gf mad at me for using cute stickers
How long are semester breaks? or what is the longest break i could take?
Does she like me?
F*ck, marry, kill
I hate Derek Shepherd
Boobs size
is it true that rmit dont have exams, i heard it from someone but idk if its true
[DE] Does Max and Amanda's relationship go anywhere at all or is it never brought up again?
[S1][DE] "wasn't apparent in the original" 🤨🤨🤨
[NO SPOILERS] I’m seeing a lot of hate thrown towards double exposure, is it worth getting?
i want a gf
[No Spoilers] Chat, is this worth playing?