Family friendly hotels
Um, didn’t she say she went on a Sephora shopping spree after she was served??
annoyed lol
what places will tattoo under 18? (with parental consent)
Is this the greatest frozen pizza ever?
Such a liar
stressing me out
Sweet home gift cards accepted at these local businesses
Another trip away from Benny, another weekend spent at a getaway, must be nice
Relating to her current Alex slander. Let’s never forgot how INSANE she was acting over him taking prescribed medication.
Due to poor Fuck Trudeau birch bark sales
Artipoppe staining??
Canned Maple syrup
GPS everytime she's in the car
Denial is a river in Egypt
Ken fan here!
Shes going to use this as her new excuse for not being able to buy a house 😂
Pillow talk and other musings
Her sense of humor is literally just complaining
Pregnancy baiting
Just gonna leave this here..
Workout content