Regular terminators in sons of Horus, is there any point to it or are justaerin a direct upgrade
Lore accuracy
Heresy Thursday – The Usarax Cohort leap into battle
Units that are so bad/boring that not even Rule of Cool can save them?
40k Dark Angels for use in 30k
Day 15 of various Black Book images: XVI Legion
Does the "Hold the Line" Reaction prevent the Golden Keshig from using their lances due to the Ungainly rule?
Amon Tauromachian from Warhammer: The Horus Heresy by IsraLlona
So was it because of low sales that the Old World was destroyed?
Profile Pic vs IRL
Thoughts on homebrew'd Legions?
What is the best book for each legion ?
5-color commander for a Legendary themed EDH deck that isn't Jodah?
5 color commanders for a Legends deck that isn't Jodah?
Arf trooper unboxing
Are flight stands optional?
Justaerin Legion Standard bearer
WIP Justaerin Terminators from Tortuga
List of Chapters?
Let's Homebrew Nakai the Wanderer
Caption This
I can't think of a legitimate reason for the Aqua Droids' pricetag
Has a member of the sanguinary guard ever fell to the black rage?
Finished "A dynasty of monsters"
What do you think of this Kytan proxy?