5 1/4 Floppies
Digital Preservation Outreach and Education Network’s (DPOE-N) Receives $1.28 Million grant from the Mellon Foundation
The creature has arrived
Well, that's all folks.
Ever imagined what Barbie would look like as a pony?
Archivists Uncovered America's Oldest Country Recording
Lost John Ford film found in Chile after 100 years
First time faculty archivist - seeking advice
Society of American Archivists approves the first official set of best practices for accessioning in the United States: Archival Accessioning Best Practices v.1.0.1
Creating a Research Agenda for the Archival Profession: Open Call to Participate, now seeking 35 archivists and relevant non-archivists to join group
What in the Reverse Omens is going on here?!?
How do people know that Phoenix bluffs a lot?
US Archivists: What now? Do we go full Monuments Men?
Works by Thich Nhat Hanh that could be comforting for an American today?
NARA's reply to the WSJ Article: "I strongly disagree with the misinformed perspective presented in the article."
And who are they to tell me NOT to 😡😡😡
Who is innovating on Memberships?
Weird Job Interview?
Will the AskHistorians Goodreads account ever be revived?
Society of American Archivists Receives IMLS Grant to Create a Research Agenda for the Profession
Partnership unlocking the UK’s archives awarded £5million
Reel Talk: longtime public television affiliate GBH and the Library of Congress are working together to safeguard a collection of public programming
How a St. Louis-based archival company catalogs messy museum storage rooms
What would be a good v-shaped book scanner that won't break the bank?
British Library reveals £400,000 plan to rebuild after "catastrophic" ransomware attack