What's Our Lion Killer?
Halo opinion that they would probably judge you if you spoke
Help! Halo Interactive Strategy Game
Trying to find the official Warhammer 10th introduction battle
What books have you actually read in-game? be honest
Isle of Blood?
I did it! Roboute is done!
Help making my list viable?
I can only afford 1
Who would you bring into the 40k Universe from Fantasy?
Double the flowers...
The Unofficial Warhammer Power Scale List Khorne to Grot
The Deceiver is fully restored, what happens?
Who else would love a deceiver model with a grin like this?
Hope you guys like my Doom Scythe. Would really like some feedback on it please, what needs improving?
Do you think the base is too distracting from the model?
Can Necrons delete Terra?
i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna
How old is your YouTube account?
My brother died and I need to SOB. Music is a way to my soul, I need something that gonna DEVESTATE
What's your best tip for a beginner painting Necrons?
List for a friendly game against a new player friend of mine
If i shot Goku at gun point with a sniper rifle would he die.
When are we getting the Moon Killer?!?
Kingpin VS Bane, who would win?