Staff worship time around the Orange Jesus.
Just wondering if your n parents have gotten more hateful with trump now in office
Do your parents say awful things then just pretend it never happened?
Wanting to tell everyone is a trauma response
"the girl with the list"
Strange How That Works.
Male coworker recently visited Dubai and called it "an aspirational country"
It happened to me 😑
What is the most absurd thing someone has said to you in response to you telling them you don’t want to have kids?
"I can fix her"
Do you all feel the Narc in your life is consciously abusing you or just can't help him or herself?
Support needed
I relate to almost all of this or all of it.
They age horribly
How to Recover From Narcissistic Parenting
Narc parents who act like loving parents
Do you love your np?
The Adult Consequences of Growing Up with a Narcissistic Parent
Do you even have any recollections of happy memories?
Emotional incest
A good daughter
My n parents acting like children
My stepmother has passed.
How are you