[Helldivers 2] The first of many!
Thanks to my girlfriend for getting me a custom Steelbook of one of my favorite movies :)
Found this today 😄
What happened to the guy in here who took a selfie with his Monster months ago and went viral on here?
I heard they are announcing Toby Keith for Louder Than Life tomorrow morning
[The Callisto Protocol] Platinum #78
[Superhot] Platinum #76 🙂
[Other] Looking for PS5 Friends to Share Gaming Moments With!
First concert and do you still like and listen to that band?
[The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe] Platinum #75 :)
Beast Games #947 AMA
Charlotte, NC
I just started playing this game and this is absolutely terrible, it seems extremely unfair. None of my teammates can even find the first 3 pages of the map, I get ambushed my multiple demons at once.
[Discussion] I just bought the Evil Dead game on sale last night, how fun is it and how hard is the platinum? :) I’m a huge fan of the movies
What one video game announcement would break the internet more than any other right now?
Finished all achievements for all outlast games. AMA
[Eldest Souls] #91 was not that bad as I thought it was going to go down
I love this game 🤣
I have honestly never played Minecraft much, probably for not even a hour but I’ve always wanted to get into it.
AIO for breaking up with my bf over spending my money
Finally got the platinum :)
[Outlast 2] Platinum #74 🏆
Is there any bugged trophies? I collected all documents and recordings and didn’t get the trophy. Do you have to collect them all in one playthrough or what? I went to chapter select and got some of them but I know for a fact I got them all
[Outlast 2] I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!! Thanks to everyone for the kind comments motivating me to keep trying