I was hiking in the Alps at an altitude of 1,800 meters and found something like this.
Rose from my mother's garden
Goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia) on a sunflower
ITAP of a electricity pylon
Dotted loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata)
Jasione laevis from my garden
Lime nail galls
Bee covered in pollen
Glandular globe-thistle (Echinops sphaerocephalus) In the evening light
Picture of an Aloe maculata I took at the Botanical Garden Berlin
Bee in a maiden pink (Dianthus deltoides) flower
Assassin Bug (Rhynocoris iracundus) and its prey
Dandelion (Taraxacum sp.) and a bee bathing in pollen
Beetle on a kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria) flower
Black vanilla orchid (Nigritella nigra)
Queen ant on a flower bud
ITAP of a bumblebee on chive blossoms
Pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis)
Bee sleeping in a flower
Alpine garden in the Osnabrück Botanical Garden, Germany
European elderberry 'Black Beauty'
Picture of a coral aphelandra (Aphelandra sinclairiana) that I took in the Botanical Garden Berlin.
Owly sulphur (Libelloides coccajus)
Bee in a flower