Incest Group
Why can't I use all the troops in my army?
I'd like the guys' honest opinion on whether I should make them bigger
Reset/after the SB?
I have 3872 madden cash, I’ve been grinding for a mythic, would this be enough for me to buy stamina TWICE in a day?
Why does Dom still use the Mysterio name and 619?
Jumping without legs
Texas Teacher Controversy...
Covenant corpses resting after a long day
Who you guys got from AKA? And how they doing?
New totw thoughts ?
I've been hard at work today
Can anyone explain why a fusion core works for hundreds of years but only fuels power armor for 15min?
The guy on the right knows blacksmithing orders are a scam (for NPCs).
so it exist? finally i guess
Battania's last stand was a glorious one, but last nonetheless (and I got to execute like 30 lords afterward)
Vault 88 alt entrances
Games industry analyst claims game companies hope GTA 6 will cost $80-100 dollars
So I Joined A Clan and They Keep Giving Me Towns and Castles Do I Have To Defend Them All?
Does EA care???
Madden destroying things
Draft Champions is available for play
What tactics does everyone use to defeat the khuzait?