Thinking About a Berserk Tattoo – Need Ideas!
How to Earn $1 Daily?
What should I do to look better?
Help with home connection
The longer you look, the worse it get
Tuition Fee Conundrum
My mom found out about my smoking
My Nami cosplay (fleurxy)!
I hate this mini game
Which three pets to use?
Looking for new friends!
I started about 2.5 weeks ago, where to now?
Pretty fun build full electric
What’s This Dish Called?
I did it...
Help a Kiwi author name a Finnish character?
Anyone experiencing this right now? Or just me?!
Is there a way to make this go away?
Why finns are soo honest?
Build Recommendation for new player
Help me decide a build.
what not to say to finns as an foreigner?
People living in Finland, how much vitamin D do you take per day during winter?