Got this in the mail today.
Sci-fi books heavily steeped in ancient aesthetics
Hopeless, dark, gory. Contagion
What’s a movie that you’re always… ALWAYS quoting?
Please suggest weird and unusual books for me.
Trying to decide on my next sf read - which book from this list would you consider the greatest?
Seeing everyone on their boats and I’m over here like…..
How's the election going?
Babe wake up, new Chip sign just dropped
VENT: Farting on the Galloping Goose is getting out of hand
What's the Best Documentary You've Ever Seen? Need Recommendations!
What’s a book that was made BETTER by the audiobook?
What’s hurtin’ today? 🤣
Blatant bike thief tactics at Joyce Stn
Cycling in Vancouver: How bad is it?
Elections - What are the options?
How to evaluate your portfolio's performance
So...I found a portal to HELL on Richards St.
Let’s hear it!
Gift from the Pacific *Carrion Warning*
Maiden voyage was a success!