4421 Legal Services Specialist
What countries used CZ as an issue gun (mil or LEO) and have exported surplus to the USA?
Have a CZ PCR that I love. If I send it to Cajun for upgrades, can I no longer use it to compete in the lowest (Stock?) class of IDPA?
Anyone own a 6.5 Swede *carbine*? Any advice on shopping, variants, how it handles, handloading, etc?
Does anyone know where you can get good levers for a lyre
I’m in early high school but I still want to improve on physical fitness.
Is it worth it to join the marines between undergrad and grad school?
Good sub-Reddit for military jokes
Considering Joining Any Branch
How can I not mess up an mg contract? and are marines really “losing” this contract when they get to soi, been hearing VERY different things about this contract.
Is there any not-horrendously-expensive way to build a vaguely Dragunov/Romak rifle in 5.56?
Split between career options. something that requires both action stuff and cyber.
How many sea bag required for soi?
How do I secure an Option 19 contract for the Army?
Does anyone regret joing the marines or wish they picked another branch I hear about how army and Air Force have a quality of life better but the marines are miserable in bad living conditions
Electrician experiance
MOS selection
First time getting a revolver—what would you suggest from these options?
Is it ok to back out after the asvab test ?
Got a bag of cool foreign coins, what’s my next step?
How often do 18yr olds out of high school with zero flight experience get selected for Army WOFT?
The Question Thread - February 2025
My favorite obscure punk band is the 1980s Welsh band Shrapnel. Any tips for other bands with a similar sound?
The most embarrassing drop from my OCS class, many moons ago