Why do people in the metro lose their Canadian manners?
I can't get over the "guilt" of being an older parent
Negative test at 6dp5dt
Fresh Transfer 6DPT Neg
Fresh transfer!
Why did the medicine spill out when injecting?
Today was supposed to be my embryo transfer day.
Transfer scheduled 1/31
If you only had one blastocyst - would you fresh transfer, or would you test with PGT-A?
Woke up from retrieval to learn partner didn’t give sperm
J'étais presque était tué à la station Lionel-Groulx aujourd'hui. I was almost killed at metro Lionel-Groulx today
Retrieval yesterday. Results today!
My first embryo transfer
Cramps similar to pre-periods symptoms before fresh transfer
Transfer Buddies?
Great news after ER, I feel hopeful for the first time since a year
Intense pain, hot flashes and nausea after ER
Should I take 1 week vacation after fresh tranfert? My boss is in panic mode
Looking for stories to relate to
Is PGT testing common during the IVF process in your country?
I think I lost 1 egg and my ER is Tuesday
Ovarian torsion after IVF
Pourquoi les gens n'utilisent pas Chrono pour acheter leurs titres?