DOOM with the goods
Fashion that never came back
Damn felicia
How did that person in your high school die?
What would your pet’s name be as a tragedeigh?
The Worst John?
Give me a four or more letter word where only the last letter is a vowel
Reminder to all new dabblers…
What’s the most “Velcro dog” breed you’ve known?
What’s a seemingly minor decision that ended up changing your life?
AITA for threatening to sue a mommy influencer
What's something you do that makes a lot of people think you're rich?
My husband keeps buying ground beef. What can I do with it that’s not burgers or meatloaf?
Don't worry he's keeping his block finger in shape
AIO to my mom inviting us over with our baby when she knew she was sick without telling us, days after telling us to be mindful of getting my dad sick?
Batman got his name from his fear of bats, using the same logic what is your superhero name?
What show are you desperately waiting for a new season of?
AITA for telling a girl’s mom that she was dialing on Saturday?
Adopting her this week,looking for a ‘job’ name that can be shortened to acronyms (current cat is named C.F.O. for Certified Forklift Operator)
Liam Thinks Ray Does Nothing But Talk About Him, When the Reality Is the Opposite– It's Good to See Someone Say It to His Face
Boozemock calls out the tough guy
Name this Album Cover
People that don’t fit in the seat
Thoughts on Dermaplaning?