Steak for fiancé’s birthday dinner
Pizza time.
Strangest things you want to smell like?
DAE have their wisdom teeth removed while actually awake?
If you were the wealthiest person in the world, what would you still not buy?
Names beginning with E (female)
This is getting ridiculous
Chicken Alfredo
$94.10 at Kroger in OR US
try out this boiled chicken dish I whipped up today!
Inside my everyday bag
What Is Porn Addiction Costing You?
What’s a dish you cook to impress someone, but is secretly easy to make?
Thai crunch salad with chicken
Obscure Names that could be shortened to Nicki
Whats ONE thing you'd change about youself? JUST ONE
Why don’t they post the damn videos?
If you could pass one law in the U.S. today, what would it be and why?
I named my kid Dick and I can’t stop loving it
DAE not care about the TikTok ban?
Got scolded for a sweatshirt by a teacher.
Is it immoral to wear earrings that my ex gave me?
Say "no" without saying "no"
Aside from needing a pencil pouch, what does my Bag say?
OFFER: Headless doll forms/bodies with porcelain feet, some hands