What should I improve next?
Guests shouldn’t be allowed in Rivals
Any suggestions to improve with 500k
Fuck Zodiac signs... show me your final Future Stars Evolution!
Should have ended at season 2
Who’s your pick in the new evo?
Rate my team
Why does sucre call it soccer
Why does bill think Tatum is a Top 5 player
Just finished Breaking Bad a few minutes ago
[Post Game Thread] Xavier defeats Georgetown, 74-69
Players with 7-8 wins in WL, please reply.
Can’t defend for nothing
What are some of your unique Evos that you think other people haven’t done
Best CAM you've used so far?
I may be officially done with this game
Ea need to patch again
Game is Trash now
Whats your best pull from the review packs?
What’s everyone’s team like before and after toty?
I'm starting to watch Breaking Bad for the first time, ever. Make a joke or reference in the comments that I won't get yet, but will once I finish the series.
Cant be the only one who hasn’t packed a toty yet👇
2 month difference lol
[Post Game Thread] Xavier defeats #21 UConn, 76-72
What player can add value to this team with 850k. I do not need too many players , just one standout player. Presently in div 2 and it is crazy in there.