Wanna feel confident with my small boobs
What is your dream car ?
Parents think I am a loser because I don't want to do anything productive .
I think boredom is cool
What is in your opinion the best meal in Tunisia ( indoors or outdoors ) ?
My neighbor is a drug dealer
My girlfriend is getting too attached
If you could choose how you die how would you choose?
Tips for stopping queefing during sex?
What’s the least attractive thing about you?
What is your worst addiction?
I need some help with making a choice
If your username was a Devil Fruit, what would your powers be?
What is the best arc?
Best Non Luffy fight?
If you were a song, what song would you be?
As a man, if you were turned into a cow for a day, would you let your girlfriend Milk You?
I took 6.5g of shrooms and lost touch with reality
I just finished Attack on Titan…
Hello i am thinking about buying the kia sportage gas model so can u tell me your thoughts about it
what is a female orgasm actually like?
What's the most useless Devil Fruit power?
Could Garp solo Arlong and his crew?