Could You Beat Your Profile Pic's Characters? If So do it in the Dumbest Ways.
Saw some familiar faces on my kid's show
Type any Owl House characters with your eyes closed.
Been playing a Digimon World Dawn randomizer lately and…..
Hot take: Awakened Piccolo > Orange Piccolo
I Also asked the same question
New Mystery of the Emblem
What are your thoughts on Sora?
Honestly i'm just curious but...
Just thought of this after today's comics
God I wish these forms were in more things
If your least favorite FE character from your favorite game was swapped with your favorite from your least favorite game, how much does the story change?
Always found it strange that Metal Fantomon is such a cool mon, has a decent amount of appearances but yet he's not playable in any of the video games, or even has a card in the TCG.
MetalPhantomon Preview for Digimon Card Game Booster Set 20
Imagine beating Cerberumon in your first appearance and then getting your ass beat by candle wax.
Any Thoughts on This Weird Brazilian Comic?
Found on Pinterest.
Amphibia fandom be like
Digimon Con 2025 on March 19th/20th
Why do only the first and second DigiDestined heroes get CGI digivolutions, but the rest get 2D?
Christmas victory
[PAndrew] Late Night Coding Camp
Favorite mutant-type Digimon?
What the heck happened here?