My sons class list
Get into Harvard within 8 years for $7 million.
Told friend her breath stinks and 1 week later it's back to the horrid smell wtf do I do?
Guess which state I’m from based on the states I’ve been to
Swelling feet &legs
My boyfriend(M22) is begging to have sex, how do I make him listen to me? (F22)
Oh Canada 🤦♂️
Dear Americans. You will NEVER be forgiven.
What's a common porn fantasy that's actually a total nightmare in real life?
How should should I fast after vomiting due to pancreatitis?
AITA for telling my daughter to eat healthy before chemo?
My (30M) wife (32F) tested positive for Chlamydia
What is the actual price of eggs in the US?
What will happen if two horcruxes come back at the same time?
Renew US passport now or not?
How can I get my husband (35m) to take on more of the baby load for me (35f)?
What does my fridge say about me?
My mom is in the hospital and doesn't want her siblings to know - should I tell them anyways?
Is it me or is this completely insane?
Aliens arrive on Earth, and you can show them a single movie to represent all of humankind. What movie are you choosing and why?
How do I unblock someone on discord mobile
2 Million Dollars if you skydive but there is a 2 percent chance the parachute does not open.
33F in a relationship with 28M, how do I deal with him being so needy?
Did I ruin my 5 years of sobriety? It was an accident and my therapist said yes, it did ruin it.
Buying bulk fish online?