How old is Kawakami?
Anyone else always do this?
Alright what's your ablsolute favorite part of little nightmares?
What's your top 3 armor sets? Not by stats but design wise
Good items for grange display?
who in skyrim can you marry that you *never* would?
I feel stupid
Who do you wish was marriageable in Skyrim, but isn't?
I finally got my skyrim tattoo and really wanted to show you guys
What existed when you were child that doesn't now
new fan here! anything I should know
I feel Bonita
I did it, I beat the game (I got every dog)
transferring saves?
My girlfriend is playing for the first time completely blind.
What got you into Skyrim?
My Luna Snow cosplay
No fucking way
How to craft the other two UwU forged weapons?
C4 quadriplegic my first unassisted transfer ever!
Made me laugh
Time waits for Noone.
chat is this wallpaper a W?
What’s your favorite armor set? I think Ebony is one of the most clean