TIL Musk Father Was in Regina
Settle a debate. Medium, or medium rare?
How to buy monitor
Why haven't any Canadian celebrities stood up for Canada recently?
This dude having a bad day in small-town Saskatchewan
Can't catch a thing trolling in Kuori with this setup, any suggestions?
Trump says his desire to make Canada the 51st state is a real thing
The entire stadium signing “A minorrr” during Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl halftime show
I knew “free kittens” was too good to be true
Someone at work stole from my bag and idk how to react
TIFU by finding out my HOA was charging us for snow removal they weren’t allowed to charge for
What’s the worst news you’ve ever had to deliver, and how did it go?
Burrito in Korea
This came with some hunting gear that was passed down to me, but no idea of its actual use case.
Do I *have* to read my SaskPower meter??
Am I Doing This Right?
Thoughtfully Hot Sauce Kit - I don't understand!
Asheville, NC.
Found at Walmart, pretty solid!
U turns at traffic lights
Police car driving with snow covered back window.
New Housing Proposal Downtown
Shopping dilemma
Please treat our sidewalks better
TIL There isn’t a single stop sign in Paris