Julii or false julii?
But why?
My Java fern veggie pleco tank
Ramshorn snail investation help
Is gorilla tape really that bad for tubeless wheels?
Someone hates when I feed the pasta
The Netherlands is on another level (bike infrastructure)
Bubble nest, good or bad?
U-lock fork mounts?
My new cories
Anyone ever get burned out from cycling to work?
Infotainment gremlin
Picked up some julii
people with bad vision
Shaken after recent aggressive driver encounter
Are fish Intelligent, and do they show emotion and empathy?
I just love this modular DIY Enclosure system. Finally I have everything, including tools and spare parts for printers in a single cabinet made at home to fit my room and my printers.
Name suggestions?
Gold ring danios
He found something he liked
Hey, everyone's out
Work From Home
Can we *please* stop the absurd gatekeeping?
What is your morning routine, before and after your commute?