Entire Balkans gets accepted to EU, but only in this form. Would you agree?
Italian-led European Union map
Most delicious s*rvian meal
What the actual fuck Riot?
Can someone please explain this new gaming Genre called shmup?
PlayStation Network requirement on PC will now be optional with in-game rewards
They didn't for me, at least...
Isn't it weird she only went to Slovenia and Turkey and not any other Balkan country ???
Isn’t it weird she never went to England ???
Sorry montenigerians, but only one of these names is based😎
Baldur’s Gate 3 is the New Skyrim
Why Mexico should be Balkan
I Agree with The Professional, why is this mission not talked about as one of the worst missions in GTA in general??
Baltics and Balkans stand together!!!
Why don't westoids ever question the fact that this exact picture is the only one being constantly reshared? If it was so common there for sure would be more similar pictures, right?
Women in Iran before and after the Islamic revolution in 1979
Why is this not a more important part of xenophobia? Also why is Montenegro so much worse than Serbia?
Saw a tattoo post... thought I'd share my own Skyrim/ES ones (:
Nothing ever hap-ACK!
Croats Are Kurds ?
How would you rank these imperial armors from worse to best?
Current Romanian-Moldovan unionism situation
Bulgarian engineer science
/v/irgins debate wokeness
The Bible Stands
Store page be wild sometimes
Super Saiyan Shitpost